About US

Griddle Master Joe

More than

10 Years

Welcome to Griddle Master

Our griddle tops are manufactured in the United States, Kansas to be exact. After 4 years of being in business, our Griddle Tops have proven to be the people’s favorite for grill addons. Our Griddle Tops do not set on top of your grates, it sets in place of your grates. Allowing the top to get a lot hotter with less heat needed. Also allowing the cooking surface to be more consistent across the entire top unlike outer products used as a griddle top. We pride ourselves with great customer service and helping the customer get exactly what they need. Another name for our griddle top is: “The Fountain of Youth for your Griddle Top”. It’s because nothing drips down into your grill flame area causing accelerated rust and corrosion. Our big grill is over 4 years old and still looks fantastic inside. Our Griddle Top have sold in all 50 states and also in Canada, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Hope you enjoy looking around and see how beneficial it is to owning a griddle top in your own home. Now you can cook like most restaurants.

Let us make you a custom made Griddle Top
to fit your Grill or Stove Top!

Add an Affordable Custom Griddle Top to your current BBQ.
With many different Griddle Tops available on the market, what makes Griddle Master’s Griddle Top any better? We offer our unique Griddle Top that goes in place of your BBQ Grates. You can easily switch between your grates and the Griddle Top.

Because the Griddle Top sets inside “in place” of your BBQ grill grates, you only have to cook on low heat. Your Griddle Top will get much hotter and have consistent heat across the top. You save time & money multiple ways. You don’t have to wait 10 minutes for your grill grates to heat up before starting to cook. Turn you grill on and set it to low on all burners and in 1 minute you are ready to start cooking. Yes!!! 1 minute… How? Because the heat can’t just escape like it does with your current grates, the Griddle Top gets very hot because the heat has to travel across the entire griddle top and then escape. So even on low, it will get extremely hot very quickly. No uncontrollable hot spots unless you want to create one by turning off some of the burners. In total, this will save you a lot (2/3 on average) in fuel. Then the cleanup is a breeze. Simply squirt water on your Griddle Top and wipe off. Yes! It is really that easy to clean.

Many things went into the concept of replacing your grill grates with a one piece griddle plate. This plate was tested in different sizes and shapes. It is important to note that the griddle plate top should not occupy the entire width of your grill space. It requires at least a 1.5 inch open gap on the left and right side for a total of 3 inches. This gap allows the pressure & incredible heat to escape without damaging your grill. We also recommend that you cook on low heat. You will find that low is equal to high with grates.

The additional heat that escapes from the sides of the griddle, provides a positive. With the right equipment, you can set up your griddle to act as a convection oven. Thus allowing you the ability to bake almost everything you can bake in your home oven.
Having the ability to cook, bake, fry and steam all at the same time will prove to be priceless. Check out our videos on our “videos” page or on YouTube to see how all these options can be obtained all at the same time on your outdoor griddle.