Custom Upgraded Griddle Top for James C. 1″ X 30″ X 18.5
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Griddle Top 1 x 30 x 18.5
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Griddle Masters custom Griddle Plate made to fit your BBQ Grill. Kick off your backyard barbecue with an outdoor BBQ Griddle Plate. This custome Griddle Plate can be placed in your current BBQ. Just remove your current BBQ grates replace with your new Griddle to enhance your outdoor grilling experience. Find no only great recipe's on Griddle Master.com but watch the video of us making that recipe on one of our griddle tops. See how you can do Biscuits, Soups, Steak, Hamburgers, Chinese Food, Burbon Chicken, Lasagna, Cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster and many more on the griddle!
From BBQ grates to griddle Plate. Griddle Master will ship directly to your door a custom griddle made in the United States. All you need to do is go and measure your current grill's opening. Inside your BBQ, measure the width & depth. Width being from left to right, usually the bigger number. Then the depth being front to back, usually around 19 inches or so. Very important that you are within 1/4 inch when measuring the depth. The width is more forgiving since you will need to deduct 3 inches from the width so the heat has some room to escape.
So to recap how to measure the inside of your grill.
When measuring the width, measure the inside that the grate rest on from left to right and deduct 3 inches from that number. Write down the width in inches less the 3 inches you are deducting for heat escape room.
When measuring the depth, be real careful to not over measure this, just make sure you are measuring straight down from back to front. You may be better off measuring on the far left and verify you measurement by measuring the far right. Remember to measure the inside dimension. Then subtract 1/8 inch just to be sure the griddle to coming to you will fit perfectly.
See the video on how to measure.